Fabulous shoe night

Fabulous Shoe Night is a Girl’s Night Out … with an unexpected, philanthropic twist. Joining women together to wear whatever shoes make them feel fabulous, right from our own closets, (high heel or high end need not apply … the “fabulous” is in YOU!) each of our events raise money and awareness for local charities, large and small. Not a Mommy’s group, not a networking group, Fabulous Shoe Night is all-inclusive, proving that when women gather together, we can make a true difference to those in need in our communities.

Featured Events



Fabulous Shoe Night/KOP on July 31, 2024

Four Falls

4:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us for a night of fun to benefit two charities that work together ... Helen's
Angels and Cleaning for a Reason!

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We have more FABULOUS events being planned right now ... !

1:50 pm - February 28, 1:50 pm

Stay tuned for more Fabulous Shoe Night events, more chances to wear the shoes you LOVE ...

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OUR mission is simple


We’ve taken the traditional Girl’s Night Out, dusted it off, and improved it by adding a philanthropic twist, turning socializing or networking into a vehicle to help local charities.


We have made it easy for everyone, of all socio-economic levels, to contribute to those less fortunate … right in their own area. We include local venues and locally-owned businesses, thus strengthening the local economy.


We are making a bigger impact on local charities by gathering together and giving … together. And … we’ve made it fun.


We are Fabulous Shoe Night … making a difference in our communities, one step at a time.